A Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler for Defense and Law Enforcement, Fire Control, Security and Safety, First Responders, Physicians and Veterinarians. Wolfdog Medical Supplier is an Indian Health Services (IHS) Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) Provider for Virginia Tribal Members.
Who are the Pamunkey Indians?
Shaleen Humes, company President and Owner, is a member of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe, located in coastal Virginia. She is very invested in her tribe’s well being. Their needs were what motivated her to start Wolfdog Medical Supplier, LLC.
The Pamunkey Indian tribe is most well known for being the tribe of Pocahontas. They have continued to thrive in Virginia, working to preserve their history and share their cultural practices. The reservation maintains a museum dedicated to their cultural heritage, as well as a fish hatchery and pottery guild. For more information on the Pamunkey Indians today, check out their website at http://pamunkey.org/.